
Fast password recovery for Zip archives.

Zip Passwords

Recover passwords to extract Zip archives

Passware Zip Key is a fast and easy-to-use solution to recover passwords for Zip and 7-Zip archives.

Recovers open passwords fast

Recovers passwords for Zip and 7-Zip archives using advanced password recovery attacks. Applies GPU acceleration.

Multilingual passwords

Recovers multilingual passwords using 20 built-in dictionaries and the ability to add custom dictionaries.

Saves recovery progress

Automatically saves password recovery progress and can resume the search after it has been stopped. Saves and checks all recovered passwords for other files.

all versions

Works with all versions of Zip, WinZip, PKZIP, and 7-Zip. Supports .zip and .7z files.


Instantly recovers passwords to open WinZip 8.0 or earlier archives with SureZip and Zip Plaintext attacks.

to use

Includes a step-by-step Wizard for easy setup of password recovery settings.

Common use cases

  • There is a need to open an old file that hasn't been used for a while.
  • Employee leaves the company and many files remain protected.
  • People often forget their passwords.
  • There is a need to access important files or financial documents left behind by a family member.

Our password recovery tools have been used in high profile investigations for more than 20 years. Now available for public use!

  • Department of Justice
  • Department of Homeland Security
  • Lahav 433
  • Nasa
  • Deloitte

Frequently asked questions

Passware Kit supports six basic password recovery attacks (Dictionary, Xieve, Brute-force, Mask, Known Password/Part, Previous Passwords), advanced attacks specific to file types, methods of grouping attacks, and various modifiers to customize attacks. Learn more...

Passware provides a 30-day Money-Back Guarantee when any product does not function as advertised on the website or in help files. Customers are required to produce evidence of the problem, e.g. screenshots, sample files, etc. upon request of the Passware Customer Support representative.

Passware products that do not come with a Software and Maintenance Subscription (SMS) can be updated with a 50% discount off the original price. Minor updates with bug fixes are provided free of charge.

More questions?

Professional tool. Free demo.

Download the Passware Zip Key free demo for Microsoft Windows and macOS. The Demo version recovers the first 3 characters of the passwords and is limited to 1 minute.

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